Building momentum towards CUUC, a post-CUC analysis

1. It's important/healthy for the team to take the stance that we will dominate this year. Our training/intensity should reflect our team's confidence. This discussion should be focused towards team-mates, not competition.
2. Once the banter gets around that UofT will dominate (which it already has), other teams will (if they are smart) use this to fire themselves up and focus their training towards beating us.

In my mind, we will win Nationals this year. Everything between now and then is training to become surgical in our execution. What does this mean for us training-wise? It means hitting the track 2x week starting now. We need to be able to grind teams into the ground with our fitness. Can you do this? Imagine an instance where you are an o-line cutter. Imagine making 5 hard 20yard cuts without pause. Imagine your defender and the sound of his breathing compared to yours. What is the difference? This is something to think about when you are at the track. It feels great to hear their asthmatic-like panting while you are still feeling energized and fast. Imagine an instance where you have a cutter wide-open on the break force side but your mark is all over you. Getting that throw to the break-force cutter would rip the field wide open and almost guarantee the score --- can you shake the defender and make the throw?

PICTURES- taken from Steve's Pictures
(TOP) Scotty Nichols dialing it up on defense against Mephisto in the CUC championship game. (MIDDLE) Me going up for a disc. (BOTTOM) Goat 06' champs. Expect to see some pictures coming of Inian, who had played a wicked tournament and made a bunch of gnarly grabs. I just hope they were caught on camera. Chua dislocated his shoulder on the first point of the first game so didn't see much action on the weekend. He should be well rested for the University season. Pictures of UofT dudes that played with GT and ROY are also forthcoming. GT came up big and took 3rd overall.
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