Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Buddy, My Buddy, My Buddy and Me

Torontula's Buddy system is one of the most important systems we have in place, and probably, the only thing we truly enforce. We all need to be concerned about safety, and this safety will not only benefit us being healthy on the field, but also your general well being.

Pictured Above: Buddies don't shake hands, Buddies hug.

Here is an exert from an upcoming The Cultimate Opinion blog (3 weeks):

The rules of the buddy system include:
  1. Tell your buddy if you are going somewhere, and if that means leaving then you need to find a new buddy for them.
  2. If leaving you need to provide a telephone number or address where you can be reached.
  3. You should be in eye contact or roughly know where your buddy is.
  4. Buddy's are honest and tell how inebriated they are including how many drinks.
  5. Buddy's respect their buddy's opinion and will listen to their opinions.
Basically, the buddy system is an adult method of having that extra safety check. This system is good for college teams, but it is even useful for us older folks. The reason we came up with this system is partly in relation to the tragic death of Chris Powell last year at our Canadian University Ultimate Championship and partly because of various poor decisions we (my teams) have made in the past . So, the buddy system is a very serious thing, and hopefully, it will help keep us all safe.

That's what Torontula does to try and keep each other safe. We, as a team, have lots of fun, but this is the one serious detail that we all need to take whenever we are at a party or tournament. Consider adding the system to your daily lives. Buddies are great things to have.



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