Thursday, September 14, 2006

Over the hump

# of ladies: 14 (including coach Dwyer)

Training day round 2:
-1 lap warm up
plyometric warm up:
12 yards
butt kicks, fwds, bkwds
skips, drive the knee, fwds, bkwds
falling leaf side shuffle
high knees, fwds, bkwds
carioca w high knee spike
bkwds run quick feet, bkwds run straight leg back
walking lunge open side twist, closed side twist 45 degrees over shoulder on way back, eyes follow hands
side lunge, side lunge w hamstring on way back
inchworm - this is not a race, take your time with this stretch!
Frankenstein skips back
jog sprint up to top speed, jog back
side shuffle, sprint, both directions
backpedal, turn and sprint (turn over both shoulders)
jog, sprint, backpedal, sprint
Spiderman - stretch forward using opposite arm and leg
stretch 5 min.
*Note: take your time with these! We are using these exercises to become loser and really get a nice stretch, we are not racing.

Speed flow:
throwing with commands
throws: flat backhand & forehand, OI backhand and forehand
penalties: 5 push ups for a drop after the first throw in a new sequence
We did really well getting some flow with our throws. I would like to see the more confident throwers get more throws off at a faster speed, push yourself!

focused on timed swing cuts and specific roles for the handling positions

One more practice and then we PARTY!


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