Monday, September 25, 2006

a message from the leading ladies

yeah TOP 3!

Picture: Scottie putting in great effort to read the disc in some very wundy conditions. Great hustle Torontula A, B & Ladies!!

great tourney everyone, I can't say how pumped I am by this weekend.

There were some amazing plays and wonderful heart shown on the field this weekend. Here are some reasons why we had some great success...

Calm, cool and collected: As a team we stayed very focused and chill. We did not place added pressure on each other and really took whatever was thrown at us, good and bad. The energy we had for each game was very powerful and enabled everyone to feed off one another to gain support and drive for each and every point. Amy O mentioned this during our game against Mac, she said that it was our attitude that helped us through extremely long points and frustrating conditions. The other team can freak out, while we work on getting the disc back. Lets keep this mentality up. We have the intensity but we have always stayed in control.

DEFENSE!: As quoted in one of the best movies ever, Love and Basketball, the coach says "Offense sells tickets, defense wins games!" And that was completely true in our case. It was the defense that helped us get those upwind points and get ahead in the game. Great job on man and Zone. There was wonderful active communication on both sidelines that our team fully benefited from.

Communication: On the second day we started calling some Offense and it worked like a dream. Once we started to specify where we wanted the disc to go and who to, everyone busted out some of the best moves I have seen all tournament, to honer the call that was made and to complete it. AMAZING!

Practice tomorrow starts at 7:15 sharp. be there at 7 and warm up your body and throws with some 3 man.

some things to look forward to this week in practice: up field zone o passing, midfield zone o passing, new zone ds, endzone communication, deep OI passing, man d, and redemption with the grand master.

-Lexi and Dwyer


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