Sunday, September 24, 2006

Tourney Review

Tournament weekend was just like any other job. Lots of hard work, getting up early, few breaks, and highs and lows. Everyone did their job, and a good job at that. Let's talk about some things, and we'll worry about what we've got to work on later. By the practice Monday morning.

What I really want to talk about is the team, and more importantly, every player on the team. Sure the guys who played in the final game were a factor in the final result, but let's talk about the sideline.

I want to reemphasize how important all the guys who didn't play, or played a limited number of points on day two. On a team, everyone plays a key part, because a tournament is not about just one game. The sideline won that final game for us for two reasons. The support and extra eyes that was provided during Sunday was huge. Also, the amount of energy that we had during the last day was due to the amount of playing time that many guys had on Saturday.

Now that we've finished our first tournament, I open up any team member to write any of their opinions about the weekend to me.

Good job boys, next stop New York,


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