Thursday, September 21, 2006

In the Zone

# of ladies: 13

A sweet CUP provided by triple S (Sarah, Steve and Sticks) at Goosebowl 2005

Today we worked on a traditional zone. The weather is not looking promising this weekend so we will most likely be seeing other team throw this, or we will be setting one up ourselves.

-Talked and walked through Zone as O and D.
-CUP tossing circle

Things to remember:
On defense- CUP moves together as one unite. Remember to contain upfield throws by cutting off the swing and then close in.
Wings- Keep butts to the sideline and take away the back cut. Give them shorter throws that we can close in on.
Short Deep- Cut any throws that might go through the CUP. Look for possible holes. Also, be prepared to drop if the Deep needs help.

On Offense: It is all about better field position, not the amount of distance you can get.
Cutters on each side work together so there will be a 2 on 1 for that up field pass after the swing.

Homework: With X's and O's, draw out what the zone should look like. Plan out where everyone shoudl be if the disc is on the left/right/middle of the field.

Tomorrow will be an extra help session going from 7-7:45. This is the perfect time to get all your questions answered. Meet at the fields for Ladies breakfast at 7:45, Lisanne is doing breakfast research.

Great work today, the timing was pretty amazing!



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