Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tuesday - Sept 19 - Review

Blog Reads: 55
Guys: 37
A team absent: Lowell (sick), Sasha, Tolya (married...congrats)

Pictured Above: Me. Either a really good or really bad play. It's looking good.

  • e-mail Ofer about rides
  • BBS post about accomodations
  • Letters due tomorrow
  • AC fees due friday
  • Ran
  • ABCs
  • Stretch
  • Lotto
  • Flying V - Looked good. Cut through the disc and threw well for the most part. 6 turnovers over 200 throws in our group cost us 30 pushups.
  • End-zone Scrimmage - Ups and downs. One of the real challenges for handlers is how much cutting versus how much break time. I like, throw and go. Receiver looks at go, then looks at break, then looks for reset. Also throw and swing is another nice one. Defensively, we need to figure out how to poach against the T. Inian was mentioning offside defender in the back corner comes and helps. We'll try this tomorrow.
  • Three man dynamic - Our focus here was working on marking when we get tired. It's really tought, but worth it. Also, I feel we need to setup the throw earlier, so start faking earlier so you can throw right at the cut point.
  • Scrimmage - O vs D - looked much cleaner on both sides. A few unneccessary drops and throw awyas die to execution, but they were the right decision. The people throwing them are almost there. We'll say tomorrow is still green light, but Thursday and Friday we're into amber/red light Ultimate. Defensively, marks were much more active. My biggest complaint is too many incuts allowed. However, we didn't let too many go up the line with handler cuts, so that's good.
A-team corner:
  • Much happier with the intensity.
  • Review your plays.


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